TASS-AOS (2024)
Opens Nov 15 2023 05:00 AM (EST)
Deadline Jan 3 2024 11:59 PM (EST)

Telluride Association is pleased to invite you to apply for a place in the 2024 Telluride Association Summer Seminars in Anti-Oppressive Studies!

Participants in TASS-AOS attend a college-level, discussion-based course (called a seminar), develop critical reading and writing skills, and explore the principles and practice of democratic community living. The seminars examine topics in literature, history, art, and other disciplines to consider how systems of power and oppression including white supremacy, patriarchy, and economic inequality shape society. These courses also consider ways to challenge these systems and transform society.

All students attend our program on full scholarships. Additional need-based travel and work replacement scholarships are also available. While TASS welcomes applications from high school sophomores or juniors of all backgrounds, students from historically underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply.

We do not consider test scores and high school grades important for the TASS application process. Instead, the most important part of the application for us is the essays. The TASS application essays give applicants a chance to show us their personalities and demonstrate their thoughtfulness, critical thinking, curiosity, and interest in social and political issues. Be sure to allow yourself plenty of time to complete the essays. We evaluate all TASS applicants in light of their circumstances. You do not need to have attended any specific type of school, or taken advanced or college classes, to be accepted to TASS or succeed there.

To submit your application online, go to tass.tellurideassociation.org. The application is due on Wednesday, January 3, 2024, 11:59 p.m. EST. If you are unable to apply using the online portal for technical or other reasons, or if you have questions about eligibility, please contact: tass-queries@tellurideassociation.org.

Students who are selected for interviews will be notified in mid-March at which time seminar descriptions will be available. These students will be asked to submit additional materials and rank their seminar preferences at that time. Further instructions will be given with the notification.

TASS-AOS (2024)

Telluride Association is pleased to invite you to apply for a place in the 2024 Telluride Association Summer Seminars in Anti-Oppressive Studies!

Participants in TASS-AOS attend a college-level, discussion-based course (called a seminar), develop critical reading and writing skills, and explore the principles and practice of democratic community living. The seminars examine topics in literature, history, art, and other disciplines to consider how systems of power and oppression including white supremacy, patriarchy, and economic inequality shape society. These courses also consider ways to challenge these systems and transform society.

All students attend our program on full scholarships. Additional need-based travel and work replacement scholarships are also available. While TASS welcomes applications from high school sophomores or juniors of all backgrounds, students from historically underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply.

We do not consider test scores and high school grades important for the TASS application process. Instead, the most important part of the application for us is the essays. The TASS application essays give applicants a chance to show us their personalities and demonstrate their thoughtfulness, critical thinking, curiosity, and interest in social and political issues. Be sure to allow yourself plenty of time to complete the essays. We evaluate all TASS applicants in light of their circumstances. You do not need to have attended any specific type of school, or taken advanced or college classes, to be accepted to TASS or succeed there.

To submit your application online, go to tass.tellurideassociation.org. The application is due on Wednesday, January 3, 2024, 11:59 p.m. EST. If you are unable to apply using the online portal for technical or other reasons, or if you have questions about eligibility, please contact: tass-queries@tellurideassociation.org.

Students who are selected for interviews will be notified in mid-March at which time seminar descriptions will be available. These students will be asked to submit additional materials and rank their seminar preferences at that time. Further instructions will be given with the notification.

Nov 15 2023 05:00 AM (EST)
Jan 3 2024 11:59 PM (EST)

Summer Programs